Mamamia introduces major restructure

After less than a year in the role, Kate de Brito has stepped down as editor-in-chief of Mamamia. In response, the women’s website has announced its editorial structure will undergo a make-over – splitting into the two distinct divisions of Mamamia News and Mamamia Entertainment.

The move will enhance the business’ repositioning as a single brand that began earlier this year, when it moved its four separate entities of Mamamia, The Glow, Debrief Daily and The Motherish back under the Mamamia umbrella. Under the new structure, content from both divisions will feed into the current homepage.

Mamamia founder and publisher Mia Freedman comments of de Brito’s departure to AdNews: "Kate has decided to leave the company to pursue a new opportunity and we wish her well. She has been an inspirational leader for the editorial team during this transition and remains a great friend to us and many of you." Her replacement will come in the form of a duo – Holly Wainwright and Gemma Garkut who will lead Mamamia Entertainment and Mamamia News respectively.

The new structure will see Wainwright and Garkut report to editorial and product director Rebecca Jacobs. Also joining the team will be Claire Harrison as commercial director, the current director of Women in Digital.