bdBLOG: How young is too young?

Having just spent a week on holidays with my brand new nephew (four weeks old and yes, he is the cutest thing ever and no, I’m in no way biased at all), my family got to talking about how a lot of things are happening at a much younger age these days. 

The ultimate pin-up for children growing up at a rapid pace would have to be Suri Cruise. Renowned for her love of lip gloss and high heels, the five-year-old daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes is a big fan of lamb dressing like mutton.

But Suri is hardly alone. Recent headlines surrounding childhood beauty pageants highlighted how the young appear to be loving donning their best mascara and bold eye shadow to complement their spray tan. 

"I like the dressing up because it makes me feel more confident in myself," says eleven-year-old beauty pageant contestant Chloe Lindsay. "I look at myself and go, 'Wow!' Just to know I'm going out there and looking brilliant, it makes you feel so pretty and gives you a lot of confidence."

Actress and author Joan Collins has added in her two cents, saying children should be allowed to wear a little make-up. "When they get to around 11 or 12, I think it is okay for children to wear a little lip gloss and a little powder and to curl their hair.” Despite this, she did add, "But I think little girls shouldn't grow up too fast, because with a life expectancy of 85 today, why do you want to throw your childhood away looking like an adult? Be a little girl for as long as possible."

Do you think children should be allowed to wear make-up? What do you think is an appropriate age for someone to wear make-up?