bdBLOG: The dangerous craze for young beauties

A couple of days ago I was reading an article that took me by surprise. The topic of the story was on illegally imported tanning injections and I was shocked to hear that people really take part in this.

Being in the beauty industry ,I feel like I have a good understanding about looking after my skin in the sun. I always feel guilty about going in the sun without sunscreen, so where have the people using these injections missed the message? Reading through the article, I found out that these people actually haven’t missed it at all.

People, young girls and boys to be precise, opt to taking these injections because there are no tan lines and you don’t get burnt. That’s great they’re staying out of the sun, but I guessed they missed out on reading the fine print that mentions that these injections can potentially cause nausea and even prolonged erections in some men.

What upsets me the most is that people will go to any measure to look beautiful right now even if it means it could make you very sick in the long run. Professor Ian Olver, the chief executive officer of the Cancer Council Australia said using the drug can even increase the risk of skin cancer on existing moles, but I wonder if the users would continue to take these injections even if the message was plastered on the syringe.

It’s fine to get hair extensions and make your hair feel full and voluptuous, or fake lashes to make your eyes pop, but why do people have to take part in a beauty enhancement that could possibly affect their health? After all our health is all we have!