Why this brand is harnessing the benefits of peony

You only have to look at your Instagram feed during peony season to know peonies are one of the world’s most beautiful and well-loved flowers. Surprisingly, this bloom offers beauty benefits too, but it’s not the petals that hold all the magic.

Rather, it’s the root of the peonies that prove effective against hard-to-treat skin conditions such as eczema, as Pure Peony founders Dot and Georgia discovered. Searching for a natural alternative to steroid use for their son’s eczema, they found the peonies growing on their own farm were the answer.

Peony root, with its calming and anti-bacterial properties, has actually been used for centuries to assist the body’s natural healing, and its effectiveness has also been backed up by scientific research.

While peony season is short-lived, the good news is consumers will be able to enjoy the skin relief benefits of this flower all year round, with Pure Peony’s unique range. Founded in Nelson, New Zealand, they combine scientific proof with the powerful ability of peony root to help heal problematic skin – including psoriasis and rosacea – fast.

The full range, comprising of cream, soap and shampoo, treats itchy, irritated skin and maintains skin health without having to use a steroid cream long term.

The peony root used is harvested from an organic plantation in Nelson. Pure Peony’s packaging and distribution is also environmentally friendly, with the product range in sugarcane tubes, glass or tins.

To find out more about the Pure Peony range, visit the brand listing.