Lolita Says So’s Emma Hoareau jumps shores

After joining the Australian beauty scene in 2014, Lolita Says So blogger Emma Hoareau has bid a temporary farewell to the country to return to her homeland of England. With promises of returning to Australia in 2017, Hoareau is very much continuing her work with Australian beauty brands despite her current location abroad. 

With planned travels through London, Paris, New York, and Mexico, BEAUTYDIRECTORY chats to Hoareau about why there's still a place in her heart (and on her blog) for the beauty industry Down Under…

Are you missing being part of the Sydney beauty scene? 
Absolutely! Sydney is like nowhere else I’ve ever worked and there’s a real feeling of community and respect between bloggers, vloggers and editors.

What was the highlight of being part of the Australian blogging community?
The people – everyone is so friendly and willing to help each other out rather than just thinking of number one.
Will you still be working on Australian content while in England? 
Most definitely, I’ve got some collaborations coming up with Australian brands that I’m shooting on location. I’m based in London for now but I’m also travelling to Mexico, New York and France.
Will your site be predominantly British or will you continue to have a strong Australian focus? 
I don’t see Lolita Says So as being either Australian or English, I know I have a strong number of readers from both countries and my content will be driven by the places I’m visiting during my trip. What I’ll be shooting during my travels brings a whole new dimension to the site. It’s going to focus on ‘capturing the nature of beauty’ and focusing on a brand’s heritage and/or where the inspiration for new collections comes from. This is usually a place, a plant, or art – and therefore allows me to combine my love of photography, travel and beauty.
Why is it important for the site to continue having an Australian element?
I’ve always been amazed at the calibre of Australian brands, and I want to continue to feature them on the site for my readers to discover.
Are you still in regular contact with Australian brands and PRs?
I’ve asked to be taken off mailing lists during my absence, but I’m very much still keeping up to date with everyone.

How are you keeping abreast of the Australian market while living in the UK? 
BEAUTYDIRECTORY has become even more useful since I’ve been away and allows me to know the changes that are going on within the beauty world, what others are focusing on, and of course, on counter dates for products! [Blushes all round in BD HQ – thanks Emma!]
What are some of the beauty blogging benefits of living in the UK?
There’s definitely a lot more brands available here, so it’s great to be able to see what’s new since I left two years ago and find out the trends here in comparison to Australia. For me, it’s all about discovery and being able to bring interesting insights into beauty to my audience.
Do you have plans to return to Australia?
I’ll be heading back early 2017, just in time for summer!
