bdBLOG: Bare-faced bravery

In an industry that has a huge focus on looking not only beautiful but picture perfect, it takes a brave actress to be caught on camera without wearing a speck of make-up.

Most celebrities refuse to even leave the house to go about their daily business without giving their face a little touch-up in fear they may land at the unfortunate end of being sprung unaware by a sneaky paparazzi.

But when it comes to bravery in Hollywood, Sandra Bullock has got to be near the top of the list (and we’re not just talking about holding her head high when her marriage broke down).  

The actress was forced to shoot scenes in the new movie Gravity sans make-up after director Alfonso Cuaron banned cosmetics on the set to help with the authenticity of the film’s survival tale.

"God help us all when my face comes rushing at you with no make-up on,” Bullock tells USA Today.  

I'm going to apologise now, but Alfonso, in a brilliant move, said, 'No make-up.' Our vain little heads are going to be some massive 17-foot image. You are going to see details because it's shot on this digital film that shows everything. It's so scary. Thank God, there are no nude scenes.”

She may be worried about the end result, but I say big claps to Bullock for this impressive feat.