bdBLOG: Rimmel celebrates a decade with Kate

Every once in a while, a brand and ambassador come together in a match akin to Cinderella and her glass slipper. That is, perfectly.

Kate Moss and Rimmel London is one such pair. This month celebrating 10 years as the face of the brand, Kate’s milestone is being celebrated with a Kate Moss’ beauty range and Aussie competition .

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The brand makes no attempt at hiding how happy it is with their choice of ambassador. If you had to choose the most perfect icon for London, it would be Kate Moss,” said Steve Mormoris, senior vice president of global marketing at Coty Beauty.

She’s incredibly involved in the creativity in Rimmel, working with the photographers Craig McDean and David Sims, helping them with make-up looks,” Mormoris revealed. She’s a real London girl, and we made her kind of a creative contributor to the brand.”

Mormoris even goes so far as to attribute much of the brand’s growth to Moss’ hard work. I think without her, the brand would not have doubled in size in 10 years.”

Coty Inc., the owner of Rimmel London, recently hosted a lavish event to mark the anniversary. The party at Battersea Power Station in South London saw the iconic model arrive via a Rimmel-branded helicopter. And tonight sees Australian media have its turn at checking out the range with a celebratory party at Sydney’s Hyde Park Barracks.

What other brand/ambassador pairings do you think are a match made in beauty heaven?