Influencer-focused Husskie reaches major milestone

After launching influencer-focused fashion, beauty and lifestyle website Husskie late last year, Editor and Founder Yelena Fairfax is thrilled to today announce the platform has reached an early milestone - notching up its 100th exclusive interview with social media influencers.

With influencers featured from all fields of life – from fashion to sport to the arts – the website continues to stay true to its original aim of taking a look at what life is like behind the camera (or iPhone) of top influencers.

“It feels like just yesterday that we launched the site, so I actually find it a little surreal that we’ve already reached 100 interviews. The calibre of talent that we’ve been able to secure interviews with continuously blows me away – people I have long admired their work. I was particularly excited to feature our 100th interview with the incredible Amanda Shadforth from Oracle Fox, someone I particularly believe is doing incredible things for the creative industry in Australia,” says Fairfax.

“But she’s in good company, with interviews on the site also featuring industry heavyweights such as Megan Hess, Steph Claire Smith, Friend in Fashion, Lauren Curtis, Nadia Fairfax, Elle Ferguson, Gypsea Lust… and many more. With so many interviews available on the site, we decided to launch a new section to coincide with the 100th interview – today publishing the ‘A-Z of Influencers’ hosting an easy-to-navigate list of influencers on the site.”

As Husskie continues to rapidly grow and evolve each month, this new section is just one part of the offering the website is planning on rolling out in the coming months.

For all enquiries, contact:
Husskie Editor and Founder Yelena Fairfax
Phone: 0439 349 746