RESCU relaunches and hosts interactive event

RESCU has unveiled its new-look website ahead of the publication’s first event in Sydney.

Founder Bahar Etminan says the redesign is in response to the fast-paced and ever-changing nature of online technology. Being fully mobile and tablet compatible was key, as was the site’s overall navigation and platform for the amount and variety of content we publish daily,” Etminan says. We are also running about three times more video than before, so the design is geared for a better video experience for our advertisers and overall an updated design to reflect RESCU’s sophisticated readership.”

The relaunch comes just weeks before RESCU comes to life at the website’s first consumer event. This is a total life makeover event,” says Etminan. It’s an opportunity to meet RESCUs stellar cast of experts and to get the latest tips to improve every aspect of your life, from health, wealth, beauty and fashion all the way to tips for manifesting anything you want in your life.”

Featuring an Alex Perry fashion show and MC-ed by Kerri-Anne Kennerley, the event takes place in Sydney on June 29. To find out more, head to