Twitter the biggest revenue raiser in social media

Twitter generates up to four times more revenue and page views than LinkedIn or Facebook, according to new research by global events marketplace Eventbrite.

In one of the first pieces of research that quantifies the return of investment of social media, Eventbrite analysed all ticket sales data across its marketplace in 2013 to discover the monetary value of social media on e-commerce.

The data found a single share on social media generates nine visits to an event page on average, and $4.80 in additional revenue to the event organiser. Twitter witnessed the highest average website visits from a social media share at 38 in Australia. Locally, a Facebook share led to seven page visits, while LinkedIn led to 11 page visits.

A social media share from Twitter generated an average revenue of $10.90 in Australia, with Facebook generating $4.10 per media share in Australia, and LinkedIn generating $3.20.

Twitter’s influence has risen in the past two years, while Facebook’s has decreased. This is most likely due to the fact that Facebook has a deeper penetration in Australia, leading to more cluttered and potentially less relevant newsfeeds. On the other hand, Twitter is less saturated, meaning less distraction for users. Also, the 140 character limit means users often need to click on links to see more information,” says Eventbrite international expansion manager Elsita Meyer-Brandt.

This data clearly demonstrates the power of social commerce and how the speed and connectivity of social networks can drive customer engagement and ultimately sales. It also shows the importance of cultivating and nurturing a community of fans and making it super easy for them to share information on social media. The fact that Australian businesses are driving high amounts of revenue from social is a real testament to the understanding and savvy use of digital media here.”