Ashley Hart talks all things health and wellbeing

When she’s not dazzling the camera with her killer smile, model Ashley Hart can often be found taking part in healthy pastimes like yoga and meditation. Along with Hart’s dedication to all things wellness, her role as a Swisse ambassador made her the perfect person to help launch the brand’s four-year partnership with international yoga and mindfulness festival, Wanderlust.

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Swisse is celebrating its Australian involvement with the festival with a launch on February 20-22 at Cockatoo Island. Returning to Australia for the spiritual event, Hart took time out to chat to BEAUTYDIRECTORY about Wanderlust, what it’s like being an ambassador for Swisse, and how she stays in such good shape.

What will be doing at the Wanderlust festival?
On behalf of Swisse, I will be hosting a couple of events, including the Earth to Table dinner. I’ll also be on stage with Jonni from 1 Giant Mind for a mass guided meditation session – which will be an awesome experience!

What activities will you be involved in?
I’ll be joining in on the fun Wanderlust Festival has to offer. There is so much to see, do, and eat. I’ll also spend time at the Swisse Sanctuary, which will host workshops each day for festival-goers to learn about all aspects of health and wellness, as well as picking up some exclusive Swisse goodies.

Do you often take part in events like this in your role as a Swisse ambassador?
I still pinch myself that attending amazing events like this is actually part of my job! Working with Swisse is so much fun and I am privileged to represent them at lots of great events including the Spring Racing Carnival, however, Wanderlust is definitely a new and exciting experience.

Why did you choose to partner with Swisse?
Swisse and I share the same values. When you walk into the Swisse office, you are greeted with an enormous vibrant mural that reads “Celebrate Life Every Day” (“CLED”). It’s the team’s motto and goal, and their mission is to create products that help others to CLED too. I just love this so much! Swisse are also passionate about helping the community through charity work and the environment through ethical production of their products.

Have you always been a fan of the brand?
Absolutely! Swisse is one of those brands that you just know, love and trust. I used Swisse products before I became a brand ambassador, so being approached by them was a dream come true.

Modelling is labelled a cut-throat industry. Does it help that both your partner [Buck Palmer] and sister are also involved in it?
Absolutely! To have my two best friends, Buck and Jess, be part of this journey is such a blessing. We understand each other so well and are all such a great support for one another.

Is there any sibling rivalry between you and Jess?
No, not at all - we support each other 110 per cent. We were brought up to be individuals. We both shine in our own way and are the best of friends.

You sometimes team up for campaigns. Is it fun working on projects together?
Of course! Any chance we get, we jump at. When we are together, we are completely inseparable. Especially now that we are living on opposite sides of the country (in the US), we try to see each other at every opportunity, be it work or play.

When you’re in the same city, do you exercise together?
As often as possible, though sometimes our schedules are difficult if we are both working. When I visit Jess at home, we take Floyd - her dog – for walks around New York. It’s always great to work out, enjoy fresh air and be able to have quality time together, all at the same time!

Do you try and do some form of exercise everyday?
It’s hard for me to have a regular fitness routine because I travel so much with my job, but wherever I am, I aim to do yoga everyday and hit the gym or run a couple of times a week. If I’m lucky enough to be somewhere enjoying summer, I’ll take my workout outdoors.

What’s your stance on healthy eating?
Healthy eating is number one for me (and for most people, I hope!). I’m a total health freak! You can be fit but at the same time be very unhealthy, and you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. I am vegetarian, so I feed my body with natural goodness. I also take vitamins to complete my clean diet.

How do you feel about health fitting in with beauty?
I mean, to me, they are one and the same. You can’t have one without the other. Beauty is a result of a healthy body and a healthy mind. If you are healthy on the inside, your body will be in its best form, seen through shiny hair, bright eyes, and clear, radiant skin.

What are your top five healthy lifestyle tips?
This is easy!

  1. Take care of your body by making smart decisions about the food you choose to put in it.
  2. Promote a healthy and strong body through regular exercise.
  3. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
  4. Meditate. It relieves the mind of weight and worry.
  5. Be a kind and loving soul.

What are your favourite Swisse products?
This is a hard one; there are so many! I definitely couldn’t live without my daily vitamins: , and . I also love the , though when travelling, the tablet form can be easier to take. I always make sure I cover my body with the after showering to protect and nourish my skin. I love the too. Removing make-up at the end of the day before bed is an absolute must. Skin needs to be clean to breathe and regenerate overnight. The Swisse micellar water is natural and gentle and so quick and easy to use.   

Ash’s Wanderlust weekend essentials
: “Gentle, soothing and natural, with no nasties! Quick, easy and effective cleansing.”
: “100 per cent naturally sourced body oil that conditions and nourishes your skin and seals in moisture. You can use it on your face, too. It has a beautiful, soft scent.”
Swisse : “These bars are so yummy and super convenient for a snack on the go or a post-exercise pick-me-up.”
Swisse : “Magnesium is so important! It supports a healthy nervous system, muscle function, energy production and cardiovascular health.”
‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle: a guide to spiritual enlightenment.

Top image: Herald Sun. Bottom image: Swisse.