Beauty editors talk teens and social media

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Facebook. Instagram. Snapchat. There’s literally no brunch you can eat, beach you can visit or wine you can down without a friend pulling out their smartphone and capturing every moment.

We’ve all cringed at that one photo that made you look far drunker than you were (or at least, than what you remember?), and the one that made you look 10 kilograms heavier than you are (or was that the Messina you had for dessert?). But while social media may have you thinking twice about your looks, imagine what it’s like for a teenager also dealing with the paralysing uncertainty that comes hand-in-hand with adolescence… It ain’t pretty.

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With Roy Morgan reporting last year that 82 per cent of Australian teenagers aged 14 to 17 see the internet as very important in their lives, and half admit it is extremely important, exposure is at an all-time high. In the past, girls headed straight for heavy-duty foundations and concealing palettes before capturing their selfie, but now, the focus has shifted towards beautiful skin minus the cover-up.

“I think the rise of #nofilter natural beauty on Instagram has increased the demand for skincare that really gives noticeable results. Instagrammers like Mimi Elashiry and Inka Williams, who both have a largely teen fan base, both have a minimal make-up style. So I think teens have that as the ultimate goal – skin that is so good they don't feel the need to photo-edit it,” says Girlfriend and Total Girl features and beauty writer Melissa Mason.

A sentiment agreed upon by Blush Hour founder and editor Lauren Dunne: "Skincare is more important than ever for teenagers - they've grown up in the age of social media and selfies where their face (and complexion!) is on display 24/7. With Instagram documenting their every waking moment, it's impossible to hide and so it's hugely important to teens' confidence and self-esteem that their skin is looking clear, fresh and healthy."

One brand that is helping in this plight is Bioré® skincare. With blemishes inflicting approximately 90 per cent of people aged between 15 and 24, Bioré® works hard to target the root of all skin problems - the clogged pore. Its deep-cleansing collection targets dirt and oil to leave skin feeling clean and healthy-looking, so teens will be camera-ready anytime, anywhere.

“Gen Z are skincare savvy. They know a great complexion starts with healthy skincare habits and are really interested in working out what kind of routine is going to benefit their skin the most. They want to feel confident in their skin 24/7, and ready for any Instagram or Snapchat opportunity that might pop up throughout the day,” says CLEO and DOLLY beauty editor Meg Bellemore.

To ensure teen’s skin is healthier and clearer than ever before, in 2015 Bioré® is launching an extension to its charcoal range, a powerhouse cleansing trio made up of the Pore Penetrating Charcoal Bar, 6 Deep Cleansing Charcoal Pore Strips, and Charcoal Pore Minimiser. By sucking up deep-down dirt, oil and impurities, these products will kick blemishes and blackheads to the curb and promote glowing instead.

Now, where’s my iPhone? I need to capture this moment.