Australia’s first private keratin smoothing room

With more requests for keratin treatments than ever before, YM Salon in Paddington has launched Australia’s first private keratin smoothing treatment room. 

Having worked with keratin smoothing products on the main floor of our salon, we realised there was a gap in the market for a private room for this experience so our clients could have this beauty service performed in a one-on-one space,” says owner Sandra Thoma. 

Despite some keratin treatments receiving negative publicity following a product recall, YM Salon has found their alternative product – the HydroSpa Keratin Smoothing Treatment is drawing in the customers. 

We pulled our other range immediately and stopped doing keratin treatments when the product was recalled,” reveals Sandra. Only after we researched and found the great HydroSpa range did we start again, and clients old and new love it.”

Unlike alternative keratin smoothing treatments, HydroSpa requires no waiting time before shampooing. 

Standard treatments traditionally require 48 to 72 hours before being able to washed, however, the ym salon team are able to shampoo your hair while you are still in the salon following the HydroSpa treatment. 

With our new treatment, heading off to the gym, going for a run or swim and simply popping hair up in a pony can take place straight after the treatment, so life goes on despite having just done keratin smoothing,” says Sandra.