10 things you need to know about Barre Body

With a love for all things health and wellbeing, Australians are quick to jump on any new exciting fitness trends. The latest to capture the hearts of the public is Barre Body - a fusion of yoga, pilates and ballet. Here, bd talks to Barre Body founder Emma Seibold to find out everything there is to know about this popular new exercise trend.

What exactly is Barre Body?

Signature Barre Body, Barre Moves and Barre Tone classes are designed to tone your entire body, creating longer, leaner muscles. Ballet and pilates exercises at the barre and on the mat tone your muscles, while complementary yoga postures lengthen and shape your muscles (think long and lean like a ballet dancer!)

What is involved in a Barre Body exercise class?

Barre Body classes are always creative, always fun and always varied. A typical Barre Body class starts with a yoga or pilates-based warm-up followed by toning exercises for the arms and upper back using light handheld weights. Then we move to the barre for leg and butt exercises designed to lengthen and tone your muscles. These are followed by a floor mat sequence incorporating core exercises and a cool down.

What benefits do people see from doing a Barre Body class?

People who are doing Barre Body consistently, either online or at the studio, are noticing an almost immediate change in the shape of their body. Barre Body is very effective at changing the shape of one’s body, making muscles longer, leaner and more defined.

What makes Barre Body better than other exercise classes?

The really key point to note is that students get visible results very quickly (generally in 10 classes over a 3-4 week period). Plus:

  • We work the smaller, supportive muscles to create that long lean look
  • We incorporate stretching to lengthen and shape the muscles (no bulk)
  • We work in an interval training format meaning results are quick and metabolism is raised for hours after a class
  • We build lean muscle, which means our bodies are more effective at burning fat 24/7

How many calories do you burn in a one hour class?

1500-2000 kilojoules depending on the class (Barre Body, Barre Moves, Barre Tone and Barre Cardio, with Barre Cardio burning the most calories).

When did Barre Body launch in Australia?

February 2011. We opened our first studio in Flinders Lane in Melbourne.

Since launching, Barre Body has been rapidly expanding. Was this always the plan, or is it more due to supply and demand?

A little of both. We (my husband and I) always had intentions to open more than one studio, but I don't think we expected to have six studios after less than 2.5 years. The reaction to the concept has been amazing. Clients love the workout - the variety, the fun and the incredible impact it has on their bodies.

Are there plans to launch any more studios in Australia?

Yes. We are pretty excited about continued growth in Australia and overseas.

Do you have any celebrity clients?

Yes, I train two high profile clients privately.

Where do you see Barre Body headed in the future?

I honestly couldn't say. It's been such a big year for us already. So far we've opened three studios, launched our teacher training program, we have a two week retreat in Fiji in August, we got married in March and I'm having another baby in January, so we already have a lot going on! We move so fast though, that anything could happen. There will definitely be another studio or two at the very least.