Lip and eye make-up score the ‘most popular’ title

Given that cosmetics are based on the premise of experimenting with, enhancing or even transforming your look, it’s no surprise the industry is so dependent on its spectrum of colours - with statistics reflecting current moods and trends.

According to market research company NPD Group, from 2009 to 2012, nail colour was the highest seller in the US prestige cosmetics segment (in terms of dollars and units). But it was stripped of its ‘best-selling’ status recently, with 2014 proving to the the year of eye make-up: eye shadows and lip shades were the most popular and fastest-growing colour categories.

In the 12 months leading up to November 2014, eyebrow make-up and eye shadows experienced an increase in popularity of 34 per cent and 9 per cent respectively. Lip colour also recorded a growth of 13 per cent, while nail colour - the former title holder - clocked a 10 per cent decrease in popularity.

Global beauty industry analyst at NPD Karen Grant believes the rise of lip and eye shades may be the result of a changing sales focus. “Consumers are paying attention to the marketing focus around eye and lip colour, and responding to multi-colour palettes that have become more prevalent.”

And in her eyes, this shift in popularity is not permanent. “The shift in where women focus their colour needs and desires is a natural one, and it will no doubt change again.”