How moisturiser is linked to less sex

With a recent UK national sex survey finding British couples are having less sex than at any other time in the past 20 years, the answer to our lowered libido action may be as simple as our moisturiser. Research released yesterday by leading skincare brand found that 55 per cent of British women would rather give up sex than their daily moisturiser.

But it’s not just sex that’s getting the heave-ho when it comes to moisturising, with 94 per cent of the survey participants revealing they would choose their beauty products over catching the latest episode of Downton Abbey.

It’s fantastic to see that British women are placing such importance on their skincare regime!” says Sanctuary Spa skincare expert Nichola Joss.

The survey of 1000 women, undertaken in November this year, also found that 55 per cent of participants would rather look younger than slimmer, with 25 per cent revealing their skin is what they feel most self-conscious about.

When it came to the aspect of their appearance they would most like to change, 26 per cent chose more youthful-looking skin, 14 per cent opted for longer legs, and 11 per cent picked fuller, thicker hair.                 

Other interesting stats coming out of the survey was that 42 per cent admitted to lying to their partner about the money they spent on beauty products, that skin is the number one tell-tale sign of age for 91 per cent of respondents, and when it comes to first impressions, skin falls in second behind clothing and in front of weight.