Following the recent opening of her brand's pop-up spa on Wooster Street in Manhattan, Dr. Barbara Sturm is thought to be in the process of building a permanent New York City location.
While little has been reported on the exact proximity of the spa, New York is an obvious place for Sturm to put down some physical roots given her celebrity/editor/influencer client base.
However, the driver of the New York temporary-to-permament spa endeavor actually stemmed from a huge consumer demand for access to her famous facial treatments, one of which – The Instant Glow Facial – she now offers out of the single treatment room in Soho.
“[I was] only giving it to special people like editors, influencers and celebrities. I thought, ‘I want it for everybody.’ So, we decided to do a tiny space here in New York to offer the possibility to have a facial, and we are overwhelmed with the response," Sturm told Beauty Independent.
Sturm is now filing hundreds of emails a day for appointments.
On top of her New York projects, Sturm sees patients at the Dorchester Hotel in London as well at her Dusseldorf, Germany aesthetic clinic (although admits she is stepping back from carrying out treatments). And while her high-profile clients continuously sing get praises, she insists that none of it is related to sponsorship.
“We’re not pushy,” says Sturm. “I don’t force anyone to get our stuff. Just the opposite, because I don’t want anybody to feel tricked into something they maybe end up not liking. We don’t pay anyone to post about it. Everybody [who] wants to post is welcome to post, and we don’t even ask them. It’s because they love it, and they want to support us…To grow takes a little longer, but it’s honest.”