Beauty habits: Australia versus the globe

With a recent Euromonitor International study finding women spend 42 minutes a day on their beauty and personal grooming routines while men spend 28 minutes, RealityMine is taking this research one step further. The mobile tech company has undergone a study that looks at consumer behaviour data when it comes to beauty habits across the globe.

The study used eDiary data from over 4000 panelists from the US, Mexico, Australia, Russia and France to help determine both localised and global beauty habits.

Research found globally most people are likely to engage in personal care routines at 7am and 9.30pm. This differed slightly in France and Australia, where the morning peak was at 8am. It was also found that personal grooming, relaxing, having a meal and doing household chores were commonplace activities for every country during the same half hour.

When it comes to the sociability of grooming, it was found Australia was the least sociable - with 84 per cent most likely to be on their own during their daily beauty routines. This was slightly above the global average that was sitting at 80 per cent.

The data found mainly positive or neutral emotions are experienced when people are grooming, however, 37 per cent of participants feel tired during their evening routines. In Australia, nearly 50 per cent feel tired while grooming, however, 63 per cent also feel happy - which is more than any other country.

It’s no secret that the modern man and woman is good at multitasking, a fact supported by the study. It was discovered that during the 30 minutes of personal grooming, 45 per cent of participants also consumed TV and 44 per cent were on their mobile phone. Australians and French panelists were the least likely to consume digital media channels, while looking at printed media was slightly more common among these two countries than any other.