bdBLOG: My week without make-up

I recently gave myself a break from make-up. My reasons were three-fold: one, it’s so humid in Sydney that by the time I do the walk/train/bus/walk journey to work, my make-up is slipping off my face anyway; two, I’ve started swimming before work, which cuts my prep time in half, and I’m too hungry to forgo breakfast; and three, I wanted to give my skin some time to breathe.

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Since last week was a quiet one in terms of work functions and social engagements, I decided to give my skin a break. The only thing I applied was Tinted Daywear SPF30+ UVA-UVB. (Ever since bdBLOG: A dermatologist’s tips on anti-ageing a couple of weeks’ ago, I’m a sunscreen fiend.)

Now because we all love beauty products around here, I can assure you this is no long-term thing. As soon as I’m seeing people other than my work colleagues during the day, I can guarantee I’ll be slapping on a full-coverage base complemented by about 12 other products. But for those days that I don’t have anything on, this feels good.

My favourite part of the whole experiment had to be the washing-my-face-before-bed part. Stubborn eyeliner is the bane of most make-up-loving women (why after three washes does it still come off on my towels, I ask you?), so to escape the scrub for a week was pure Heaven. And I felt that my cleanser was actually cleansing my face, rather than exhausting itself on removing my make-up.

In saying all that, I watched an episode of Sex and the City last night - the last episode in Paris, where Carrie is looking her immaculate best, which prompted me to think, I must make more effort.” And the make-up hiatus was abandoned thereafter.

How about you, bd members? Has anyone tried to go without make-up? How’d it make you feel?