Sharri Markson bows out of editor-in-chief battle

With news earlier this week of Cleo and Dolly merging, it was revealed that both Cleo editor Sharri Markson and Dolly editor Tiffany Dunk would have to reapply for the new editor-in-chief position at the titles.

Markson has put rest to bets on who would be the front-runner for the job, revealing to Bauer Media that she will not apply for the new role.

On Wednesday, Markson told Cleo staff that her decision was based on not being prepared to produce two magazines with half the staff, according to The Australian.

The new structure will see one feature writer work across both titles, with copy supplied from Bauer's German mastheads. Cleo will have copy translated from Joy, while Dolly will have copy translated from Bravo.