The next superfood

Used for centuries in the Middle East, Asian and North African cultures, camel milk is gaining increased interest from around the world due to its nutritional and medicinal claims.

With predictions of being the next ‘superfood’, camel milk has traditionally served as a natural remedy and is becoming popular with health-conscious consumers and people with food allergies or intolerances.

Camel milk is reportedly naturally 50 per cent lower in fat and 50 per cent lower in saturated fat than cows’ milk. It is also a natural pro-biotic and a source of calcium, vitamin B1, protein, potassium and phosphorus. People with lactose intolerances are able to drink camel milk, and it is good for those with diabetes as it is high in insulin.

It will never be as competitive as cows’ or goats’ milk in terms of price, but it will definitely gain much popularity due to its reported health benefits and healing properties and will definitely be seen as a ‘superfood’,” Desert Farms founder and CEO Walid Abdul-Wahab told CosmeticsDesign.