Mamamia’s big expansion plans for 2015

It’s an exciting year ahead for Mamamia, with the women’s digital network looking to expand into television, events and e-commerce, as well as launching a new site, Debrief Daily, in 2015.

Adding to the Mamamia, iVillage and The Glow offering, Debrief Daily is aimed at 40-plus women. Mamamia founder Mia Freedman decided to launch the new site after finding she personally no longer connected with mainstream media.

“Mamamia came about from me spending 15 years in women’s media and there wasn't any media on any medium that was speaking to me and catering to my interests. So fast-forward seven to eight years, and it's now gone from a personal blog to a network of women's websites. There are three sites that we've done now and I'm starting to get that feeling again. You've got your first Gen Xer who is turning 50 next year, so Debrief Daily really came about to follow where the conversation goes next with women 40-plus,” Freedman told AdNews.

On top of the new site, next year will also see the launch of Mamamia TV, a platform offering content verticals from across the Mamamia network. Alongside the TV launch, the Mamamia site is getting a revamp and the company will be supporting events based around successful content pieces on the site. The network will also create a presence in the online video space and increase its podcast offerings.

“Two years ago we were getting 20,000 unique browsers a day; most days we’re getting 420,000 a day. We have three great sites, with a fourth coming, and I particularly want to start allowing our audience to start engaging those sites through multi-platform opportunities,” Mamamia national sales director Kylie Rogers told AdNews.