Beauty company announces huge boost in exports

Ego Pharmaceuticals has been awarded a $250,000 technology grant from the Victorian Government to help expand its Braeside facility, create 63 new jobs and boost exports by $40 million.

The grant is part of Ego’s $14.6 million expansion project aimed at extending its flammable goods production, enabling it to double the bottle filling across its brand portfolio.

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“Over the past 60 years Ego has been at the forefront of new technology and investing for the future. Our new facility will double our bottle filling capacity and enable us to grow our business both here in Australia and to our export markets,” says managing director at Ego Pharmaceuticals, Alan Oppenheim.

“As we continue to grow and develop new skincare innovations, we continue to create more jobs in Victoria,” added Oppenheim. “This project will create another 63 jobs, which is fantastic news for the local community – Ego is a Victorian manufacturing success story which has grown to become Australia’s largest privately-owned skincare manufacturer since it was established in Melbourne in 1953.”