The new website answering the uncomfy questions

Could Your Dad Answer These Very Questions Veet video

Let’s face it - puberty is an incredibly awkward part of adolescence. Along with the raging hormones and bodily changes, teens need to deal with a surge in body hair growth.

In an effort to help teens navigate this awkward stage and learn more about the different types of hair removal, has created a new campaign - HairyQuestions.

The educational and entertaining campaign equips Australian girls with the details and guidance they need (and want) to know when approaching puberty and hair removal.

The website acts as an outlet wherein every and any kind of uncomfortable question is answered. It provides information on hair removal products, as well as tips and tricks to ensure the experience is as pain and mess-free as possible.

The website also features the Could Your Dad Answer These Very Questions? short film, where a handful of teen girls ask their fathers questions such as “What is PMS?”.

For those new to buying hair removal products, the site offers options such as the beginner-friendly Veet starter kit.