Instagram ups the ante for advertisers

Modern-day mood board, Instagram, has introduced its latest feature for advertisers - the carousel. It has just been rolled out in the United States, with the rest of the world to follow shortly.

Carousel ads will allow brands to expand on current advertising abilities, by providing room for more than one photograph per ad. This means that users will be able to swipe left and right to see multiple images.

Instagram explains: “Carousel ads give brands more flexibility in telling their stories by allowing people who view their ads to swipe left to see additional images and link to a website of the brand’s choice.”

It believes the feature is an opportunity to allow different brands to promote multiple products, while capitalising on the use of various platforms within the single campaign.

“One way to look at it is carousel ads bring the potential of multi-page print campaigns to mobile phones - with the added benefit of taking people to a website to learn more.

“For instance, a fashion company could use the carousel to deconstruct the individual products in a ‘look’. A car company might share an array of different features of a vehicle and provide a link to learn more about the new model. Or, an advertiser could showcase how multiple ingredients come together to make a delicious meal.”