Wellness advice from PT turned TV personality

Health and fitness consultant Lee-Anne Wann says fridges are filled with useful beauty products.

"Skin health comes from some of the food choices we make. There are some ideas we may not have thought of," she says.

"For example, using coconut oil as a make-up remover is amazing because it's chemical-free, but it's also anti-wrinkle."

The trainer, who currently is a health and fitness expert on TV1 lifestyle program Kiwi Living, believes small changes can improve your health and happiness significantly.

"One of those is how to start your day. If we set up our day and spend an hour sorting ourselves out, that will actually help us make better decisions and have better outcomes for the rest of the day," she explains. "It's 90 per cent result for 10 per cent effort."

For example, weight around your belly button can actually be as a result of cortisol, which signals high stress levels - “so exercising more or dieting will just make that area worse instead of improving it, because it is not calories causing the [weight gain]”.

"It's fascinating. It's like we need to learn to work smarter, not harder."