67% of millennials are unhappy with their appearance

A new study has found that a shockingly large number of UK millennials are unhappy with their appearance. 

The study conducted by White Glo discovered that two thirds — 67 per cent — of 18-34-year-olds are so unhappy with their facial features they would consider cosmetic surgery to change their face. 

Dissatisfied with their looks, 17 per cent owned up to having tried Botox, compared with 8 per cent of 35-54-year-olds.

Ultimately, the survey also found that more than 34 per cent of Brits are unhappy with their teeth — having it clocked as the most disliked facial feature. 

The results come following a study conducted in June by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. The study argued that the link between social media and the prevalence of millennials going under the knife is unparalleled; and due to youth feeling a greater pressure to “look perfect”. 

University of Manchester Professor Jeanette Edwards commented on the findings, saying “We've been shocked by some of the evidence we've seen, including make-over apps and cosmetic surgery 'games' that target girls as young as nine.

“There is a daily bombardment from advertising and through social-media channels like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat that relentlessly promote unrealistic and often discriminatory messages of how people, especially girls and women, 'should' look."