New ambassador for Priceline Pharmacy

Priceline Pharmacy has today announced a new month-long campaign, Beauty of You, designed to celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of Australian women. Joining the existing line-up of Priceline Pharmacy ambassadors – including Ada Nicodemou, Samantha Harris and Ita Buttrose – is celebrity chef and TV presenter Poh Ling Yeow. Here, Poh answers a few questions for BEAUTYDIRECTORY…

Who do you feel the most beautiful around?
My hubby, Jono: I can wake up looking like Medusa and he still looks at me like I’m Cinderella at the ball. He also often tells me “I love your cute lil legs because no one else in the world has those but you”.

Do you think your heritage has an influence on what you perceive as beautiful?
Definitely, every culture has different values, and a different aesthetic. As a migrant, most of my childhood was plagued by feelings of insecurity because I looked and behaved so differently from Aussie kids. All my childhood I wanted blonde curly hair, blue eyes and freckles.

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
I love it when people tell me I’m funny because making people smile or laugh is the best feeling in the world.

Why should women be proud of their heritage and what makes them different?
Utterly, completely, yes! It took me till my 30s to understand that different is good, all the features I hated about myself I now know are what makes me unique. At 43, I’m realistic and grateful with what I have to work with but beyond my physical features I’ve worked hard to be capable, creative and strong in the head and that’s all you need to make things happen.

What’s your most unique feature?
Being able to always see the bright side.

What’s the best health advice you’ve ever received?
Eat a diversity of colours and laugh at EVERYTHING.