Bloggers and vloggers growing in influence

Bloggers and vloggers no longer make us want to try that eyeliner, but also buy that eyeliner, according to business intelligence service L2. Its latest data analysis of brand advertising fhas revealed the selling power of the online community and celebrities are going from strength to strength.

Digital influencers, namely bloggers and vloggers, have replaced traditional brand advertisements on website front pages. Specifically, US vloggers can claim an overwhelming 67 per cent of first-page search results.

Those digital influencers based in the UK are producing a similar statistic for front-page visibility for brand and non-brand search results on YouTube.

L2 believes brands have picked up on this trend, as seen by a number of major companies partnering with key digital influencers to improve their position in search engines. “For example, Clean & Clear has partnered with vlogger channels that garner 60x the views of the brand channel for identical videos,” states a representative from L2.

Partnering with brands also provides plenty of financial incentive for vloggers and bloggers alike, who have the opportunity to make as much as $US40,000 per month from endorsements.