Influencers pen girl-boss bible

The girl boss is the subject du jour thanks to an increasing focus for ladies to break any glass ceilings in the movement towards equality and empowerment across the globe. Two influencers have taken to the task, forming a guidebook for the girl boss with the launch of their first tome The Game Changers. BD recently spoke to authors influencer Steph Adams and journalist Samantha Brett:

What inspired the launch of the book?
A number of things have inspired the launch of The Game Changers. For a start, both of us have spent the better parts of our careers interviewing and having access to some of the most inspirational and incredible women around the globe. We were [on] one of our many early morning walks together when we thought what a great idea it would be to collate their stories of success and inspirations, and put it all together in a beautiful coffee table book, that we could also use to raise money for causes very close to both our hearts – breast and ovarian cancer research and prevention.

But the book would never have been possible without the women involved opening their doors to their deepest and darkest challenges, trials and tribulations, and sharing with our readers their methods and ways of overcoming them. We learnt that for even the most seemingly together, successful and confident women, there are challenges, difficulties and personal struggles they all face. We feel blessed and honoured that they were willing to share their stories with us and that we can now share them with our readers.

What kind of content can readers expect?
These are raw, honest, emotional stories that come straight from the heart. These women have left nothing out of their stories. They have let us into their seemingly glamorous worlds and detailed their struggles and challenges, with candid and real advice to young women aspiring to follow their dreams.

Who is your intended audience?
All women (and men!) who are interested in reading about the women we have profiled. We hope this book will resonate with anyone that has a dream or vision, but are not sure where they are going to start. We hope they will be able to read these stories and get the confidence they need to move forward to making their dreams a reality. Whether they are young girls still in high school, university students, or mums looking to get back into the workforce with their own businesses or to grow their ideas. This is primarily a business and motivational book, with some beautiful photos to make it perfect for every coffee table!