NZ: NZME to discontinue partnership with Pac Mags

New Idea, Girlfriend and That’s life magazines have an uncertain future given that New Zealand Media and Entertainment’s (NZME) publishing deal with Pacific Magazines ends in September. The company has announced it will not be renewing its license with Pacific Magazines.

“Everyone has worked tirelessly across sales, marketing, subscriptions and editorial to publish quality content. It has been a great partnership and Pacific Magazines have been excellent business partners, which we are very grateful for," says NZME chief operating officer Phil Eustace.

“The rights to publish will revert back to Pacific Magazines from 30 September 2015. Pacific Magazines have indicated that the magazines will continue to be published in New Zealand.”

There are currently 25 people employed by NZME across sales, marketing and advertising.

At this point, all that has happened is that the 25 people have just been told the license won't be renewed. NZME is looking at redeployment opportunities both within NZME and at Pacific Magazines," reveals Eustace.

Image: Stoppress