Yahoo7 to cut 10 per cent of staff

Change at Yahoo7 was imminent when US telecommunications giant Verizon signed a deal to buy it back in July. The first signs of reform came today with news the company will reportedly be cutting approximately 10 per cent of the Australian team. Yahoo7 is understood to be making cuts to all "non-essential business units" later today.

"Like any business, we regularly review our operations to ensure we remain agile and responsive to changing market conditions. As a result of our most recent review, we have announced a number of team changes which include proposed redundancies in the Australian team, as we continue to focus on growth products," says Yahoo7 CEO Ed Harrison.

He continues: “We will not be commenting on [the] status of any individual team members as this is always a private business matter.”

The news coincides with alleged plans for Yahoo7 to leave its existing offices in the Walsh Bay district.