Kate Middleton’s new intense diet

First it was the fad Dukan Diet that helped the Duchess of Cambridge get in shape pre-wedding, now Catherine has reportedly moved on to another trendy diet to help maintain her size six figure and improve her glowing complexion.

Already careful about her calorie consumption, the 32-year-old is now on the raw food diet that involves eating nothing but raw food. Catherine is planning on having at least one day a week where she is on the diet, according to the Daily Mail.

The Duchess is said to be particularly fond of the Latin American dish ceviche, which is raw fish marinated in the juice of lemons or limes and spices. Also on her menu are watermelon salads, gazpacho (raw vegetable soup), goji berries, tabbouleh and almond milk.

The diet is believed to promote glowing skin and stronger nails as raw food delivers a better source of vitamins and nutrients. Popular foods on the diet include uncooked fruit and vegetables, grains, beans and fish.

Scarlett Johansson and Demi Moore are also reportedly fans of the raw food diet.