Why Sally Obermeder is joining forces with Avon

129-year-old beauty giant may be renowned for its make-up and cosmetic innovations, but it is just as dedicated to its global support network for women. The brand has titled its community initiatives Beauty with a Purpose, with one of is key pillars being the Breast Cancer Crusade. This crusade has raised close to $AU1 billion globally and over $AU10 million in New Zealand and Australia alone.

It’s fitting then that the brand’s latest ambassador is Daily Edition host and breast cancer survivor Sally Obermeder. Diagnosed in 2012 with stage three breast cancer days before the birth of her first child, Obermeder has since been given the all-clear. Her battle with cancer was supported by Avon’s long-term partnership with the Australia and New Zealand Breast Cancer Trials Group (ANZBCTG), which supports treatment through donation.

“When I found out from my oncologist that the research that she used came from the Avon-funded trials group, I couldn’t believe it. It’s amazing that when you buy Avon Breast Cancer Crusade products, you are directly helping to fund the research that saves life. My life was saved because of it and I am so grateful,” says Obermeder.

As part of the Beauty with a Purpose initiative, $3 from every sale of the brand’s new fragrance Luck will be donated to breast cancer research.