Influencing now an official profession

Influencing is now an official professional industry, according to a survey conducted by US app IndaHash in order to understand influencer behaviours better.

The app connects big beauty brands with influencers, and in their latest survey “The majority of people who responded put ‘influencer’ as their profession,” according to CEO of IndaHash Barbara Soltysinksa.

Other notable things the survey uncovered was that influencing was a predominantly female-industry, with fewer males under the category. Additionally, 47 per cent of females post content one to three times a day, versus 36 per cent of male influencers; and 45 per cent of female influencers versus 31 per cent of male influencers bought something they saw in a social media post in the last week.

Finally, it appears that influencers are not just influencing followers online but also their friends offline, with 88 per cent claiming to be influential over their real world peers.