Study reveals online behaviour of Gen Y Mums

Parenting site Babyology recently surveyed 2000 Gen Y mothers about the impact of social media on their lives.

The study had some surprising results, beginning with the fact that a decreasing number of Mums are getting their news and information from magazines or newspapers and are instead turning to social media. Specifically, 70 per cent rely on social channels while 60 per cent admitted to reading a newspaper or magazine less than once a month or never. 61 per cent thought that Facebook and Instagram were essential in order to keep up with what's going on. 

The study also found that Millennial Mums are busy and engaged, regularly attending concerts, festivals and cultural events. In fact, these numbers in particular were higher than the Australian average. Over half of the Mums, 57 per cent, spend their time online shopping while 90 per cent said that if they needed information on anything at all, they would go online first.