Research says makeup is good for your skin

While it’s commonly thought that cosmetics aren’t the best tools for a clean, clear complexion, new research from the Australasian College of Dermatologists suggests otherwise as it turns out makeup could actually be good for your skin. 

The reasoning behind this logic is that makeup - including foundation, concealer, blush and lipstick - all do their part in reducing the effects of the sun on skin. 

One doctor who worked on the study, Dr Phillip Artemi, said “We now know that it isn't just solar radiation such as UVB and UVA that is bad for the skin. The sun also emits infrared radiation and visible light, which can lead to damage resulting in dull skin, wrinkles and unsightly pigmentation.

"While sunscreens do a lot, they don't do enough and shouldn't be relied on solely for skin health. We now advise that functional coloured cosmetics should be added to the long-standing advice in order to further reduce the risk of skin cancer and premature ageing as well as protecting against the increasing danger of air pollution."

So while you shouldn’t stop wearing sunscreen, your cosmetics could be doing more for your complexion than we initially thought.