The top 10 news sites in Australia

It was a good news day for yesterday, with the Nielsen Online Rankings for May confirming it is holding on to the number one news site spot.

Despite, and ABC News Websites recording declines in numbers, they were all sitting pretty at the top with an audience of 3.791 million, 3.437 million, and 2.855 million respectively.

Daily Mail Australia claimed fourth place, followed by ninemsn News Websites and The Age. Also holding onto top 10 positions were The Guardian, BBC, Yahoo!7 News Websites, and the Herald Sun. The addition of BBC into the top 10 bumped The Daily Telegraph out of the top 10.

See below for a table on the unique audience, page views per person, sessions per person, and time per person of the top 10 sites.

Nielsen Online Ratings, May 2015. Graph: Mumbrella.