While Twitter is now one of the world’s most popular methods of communication, it has long limited whatever you publish to a 140 character limit. But that’s all about to change, with the social media platform confirming on Monday that the limit will be relaxed.
Photos, GIFs, and videos will no longer count as a part of the 140 character limit, neither will media attachment, or @ replies to other Twitter accounts.
The platform explains in a blog post: “Over the past decade, the Tweet has evolved from a simple 140-character text message to a rich canvas for creative expression featuring photos, videos, hashtags, Vines, and more. In just the past few months we added the ability to poll your community, react quickly and cleverly with GIFs, and share and enjoy Periscope broadcasts in Tweets.
“So, you can already do a lot in a Tweet, but we want you to be able to do even more. In the coming months we’ll make changes to simplify Tweets including what counts toward your 140 characters, so for instance, @names in replies and media attachments (like photos, GIFs, videos, and polls) will no longer ‘use up’ valuable characters.”