Ten Pieces Resort 2019: Backstage report

See all the MBFWA 2018 backstage reports here.

Who: Ten Pieces
When: 9:00pm, May 17, Icebergs, Bondi Beach

Hair: John Pulitano for Redken
Hair look:
"The look for today is early eighties rude girl, ride boy clubbers. It's a little bit inspired by Malcom McLaren and Buffalo Gals, where the hair's grown out a little bit more on the top but there's still pieces at the back and at the side. We're trying to create that look but obviously a lot of the girls have long hair so we've started with a lot of Redken Guts to get that shiny, piecey texture, and then we're using Redken Forceful 23 to take sections and push the hair in really close, folding it over and getting it as flat as possible to the head so that it's square around the sides. We'll leave some pieces at the side and back and then we'll add some Redken Wax Blast to the ends of the hair so that it's oily in texture. 

With Ten Pieces its always about creating that punky vibe. With the boys, we're going to give them a bit of a greasy texture. Some of the guys with shaved heads are going to let us put a couple of tramlines but we'll keep them nice and linear. We'll then use some of the products from the Redken Brews Range to give the hair a sweaty nightclub look."  

Makeup: Carole Mackie for M.A.C 
Makeup look:
"This is one of my favourite shows of the week! But there's actually not a lot going on in terms of makeup today. We've really focused on skincare and prep. We're using Prep + Prime Softening Lotion, Care Blend Oil, Fix+ and massaging those into the face - all the models got a massage this morning at 6am. Then we're using Shine Mix in Medium so they're going to look like they're super sweaty on the runway, like they've just been clubbing. The inspiration is Buffalo Gals, a little bit Westwood, Rude Club in the 80s. Any products that we have used we want to look really worn in, like its next-day makeup. We're doing a cold sculpt, really strong 80s contouring using Sculpting Powder in cooler tones so that we create that sharp look. Brows have been brushed up with some gel but we've left them looking undone, nothing is really finished or done.

We're also doing some tattoos today. Morrissey's four-year-old son actually designs his tattoos so we've taken inspiration from that, it's very child-like writing and the tattoos will peak out from the clothes." 

M.A.C Lightful C Softening Lotion
M.A.C Careblend Essential Oils
M.A.C Fix+
M.A.C Sculpting Powder Pro Palette

M.A.C Brow Set

See all the MBFWA 2018 backstage reports here.