The changing nature of wellness

You need only look at the number of people jogging in the mornings or sipping green smoothies to realise health and wellbeing is high on the priority list for modern day men and women. This trend has sparked a rise in complementary medicines, with 70 per cent of Australians estimated to be regular users of natural healthcare products.

This consumer movement has seen the complementary medicines industry in Australia grow at 54 per cent in the past five years. It currently generates $3.5 billion in revenue per year. And the movement is not exclusive to Australia - the global market is estimated to generate around $138 billion annually.

As a pioneer of natural health in Australia, is a strong supporter of this movement. It envisions this trend will only continue to grow, and as such, is helping to empower everyone to live a positive, healthy life naturally with its Be a Well Being campaign.

BEAUTYDIRECTORY sat down with Blackmores managing director David Fenlon to talk about the nature of wellness in Australia and the Be a Well Being initiative.

Is there a different conceptualisation of wellbeing now than in the past?
Absolutely. Overall wellbeing is now highly desirable. Most Australians wish they could improve their wellbeing - global research conducted for Westin Hotels found wellbeing is now even considered a status symbol! People are taking it seriously, and so are we. It’s not just about the absence of disease, or the shape of your body, or what you eat – it’s about every part of your being. It doesn’t have a start or finish point. It’s all-encompassing.

Do you think people are addressing their health and wellbeing in new ways?
Definitely. As a society, we seem to have grasped the idea that how we feel mentally and emotionally is linked to how we feel physically. People are engaging in complementary medicine much more these days, whether that is remedial massage, osteotherapy or natural medicine. There is a much greater understanding that nature has many of the answers but there is still a lack of understanding as to how to turn this into wellbeing. That’s where we come in with the answers and guidance!

In your opinion, what are the key steps to wellbeing?
We believe the key to wellbeing is knowledge – and it can be as simple as that. If you know what’s right, what works for your body, what you need and how to go about it, you’re virtually there in one step. It’s also about having the support, products and services to provide sustenance on your journey to wellbeing – and at Blackmores, we believe we can help.

The complementary medicines market has been rising in leaps and bounds. How do you explain that?
The popularity and use of complementary and alternative medicine is increasing in Australia, with two in three Australians now taking complementary medicines. The now common usage and ease of availability of vitamin and mineral supplements has stemmed from increasing naturopathic practice - diet and lifestyle modification together with nutritional supplementation and herbal medicines as cornerstones of treatment. We’re all about holistic, well-rounded lifestyles and complementary medicine fits right in. Caring for your body with nature is ideal.

What’s involved with being a ‘well being’?
There is no denying it is holistic. We see a ‘being a well being’ as a healthy, positive and optimistic mind, body and soul. It’s about being and feeling vital and vibrant. Whether that is when you’re at work, with friends and family, or standing in line for the bank. For one person, wellbeing might mean trying a technology-free Sunday to unwind, for another, it might be getting more greens in their diet.

How is Blackmores helping to empower and inspire Australians to be a ‘well being’?
Blackmores have been doing it solidly, globally and open-mindedly, for over 80 years. Thanks to this know-how, you can achieve wellbeing without the quest. In fact, we like to think Blackmores will not just help people attain wellbeing, but become a ‘well being’.

Can you tell me a bit about your Be a Well Being campaign?
Blackmores vision is to create a healthier Australia – to empower everyone to live a positive and healthy life naturally. Our Be a Well Being campaign is the life and soul of this – it brings together our vision of a life full of colour, movement and vibrancy. We want to inspire the nation to think about their wellbeing in all areas of life, and know that Blackmores can help you. It’s not about being perfect, but trying to be a little bit happier and healthier each day.

Why did you decide to launch this campaign?
Wellbeing is highly desirable but is hard to come by. Our bodies don’t come with a handbook and most of us have little to no idea about how our bodies really work. Add in which vitamins, minerals and essential oils we should all be using to function optimally, and wellbeing can quickly become a very confusing place! So Blackmores are here to help.

What are you hoping to achieve through the campaign?
We want to get people’s attention. For too long, consumers have been seeing “wellness” as a model smiling in a field of sunflowers. But that’s not the reality of day in, day out life for most of us. It’s something the majority of people struggle to relate to. What we want to do is help the nation actively manage their own ways to wellbeing and realise each individual will have a different journey. We want to demonstrate Blackmores' knowledge, expertise and natural solutions and provide a path to wellbeing based on people truly understanding their bodies and their needs. Not anyone else’s; theirs.

With many health supplements now available on the market, why should people choose Blackmores to address their wellbeing?
When it comes to quality, not all vitamins and minerals supplements are the same. Blackmores’ promise is to deliver the highest quality natural health products and services, because when it comes to your health, you want the best and so do we.

Where do you see the future of health supplements heading?
The evidence is changing and increasing all the time and in a constant state of flux. This is true across the board for all medicines. More research and scientific investigation into complementary medicine will continue to uncover new and novel mechanisms of action and clinical effectiveness, and of course, education – increasing consumers’ knowledge is key. It’s an exciting time for the industry, and we’re excited to be leading the pack!