Australia’s new food pyramid explained

Australia has had healthy eating pyramid guidelines since the 1980s, but with the last update released 15 years ago, nutritional professionals are rejoicing that a new, more modern food pyramid is finally here.

Developed by The Australian Nutrition Foundation, the pyramid is as visual tool that reflects the latest Australian dietary guidelines, which were released in 2013. Traditionally, the food pyramid helps consumers to understand the importance of different foods in achieving dietary balance.

The bottom layer (representing the foods we should be consuming most) is filled with vegetables, legumes and fruit, and includes tips like “choose water” and “enjoy herbs and spices”. While this level previously contained carbohydrates such as rice and cereal, these have now been moved up to the next step of the pyramid. Layer two features grains, including quinoa, cous cous, rice, oats, pasta and bread.

Layer three of the pyramid is protein-rich, and is made up of milk, yoghurt, cheese and alternatives, plus lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds and legumes. The top layer (and what we should be having the least amount of) is healthy fats. The pyramid also suggests we “limit salt and added sugar”.

Noticeably absent from the latest food pyramid is margarine, butter, processed fat, sugar and junk foods. “Good nutrition is not complicated; it is actually very easy and the take-home message for all of us is just eat more vegetables and you will be on the right track,” dietitian Susie Burrell tells the Sydney Morning Herald.