Bauer launches new mag aimed at Gen Z

Bauer Media USA has this week launched a new magazine aimed at the difficult Gen Z print market.

Teen Boss is the title, and is a quarterly magazine targeting business-minded girls between eight and 15 years old.

Teen Boss editorial director Brittany Gala spoke with Fashionista about the project, saying "Generation Z is all about dreaming big. With the influence of 'Shark Tank' and social media, we're seeing a huge increase of tweens and teens who are looking to create their own business or dream about running their own business one day.

“Teen magazines obviously as a whole have seen changes in the last three years. The reader has changed over the years and we’re also looking to hit a reader who maybe hasn’t looked at the newsstand before.

"When I was growing up, it seemed like everyone wanted to be a teacher, or a veterinarian. Now, I heard 'app creator,' 'chef on YouTube' or 'CEO.' These girls want to establish a brand – or make themselves into a brand – with their social media channels, and I was just blown away by their ideas."

The magazine won’t feature any advertising or have a standalone website as they will just be promoting the glossy through social media.