The magazine making a comeback

Leading lads mag FHM made a shock closure last year but is now making a comeback. The UK version of the publication closed its doors last year, 10 years after the mag finished publishing in the US. But now the US has reignited its interest in the magazine, relaunching FHM as a digital-only destination.

Led by Bauer Xcel Media, FHM began posting new content on its old site two months ago, crafted under the direction of Bauer Xcel senior editor Nick Dimengo. The company has revealed there are plans to hire a second editor, with the new incarnation of the site becoming profitable within the first month.

For Bauer Xcel Media US senior VP-operations Allison Mezzafonte, the success of FHM proves there is a gap in the men’s market, particularly for Bauer US who currently do not offer a male-focused publication. She comments: "It strikes in the middle [between GQ and Esquire]." The new version is also a far cry from its lad mag reputation. "It's definitely a pivot from where FHM used to be,” says Mezzafonte.

The site’s new success may also stem from the fact that FHM remains attractive to international audiences – 40 per cent of the current audience stems from the UK, 40 per cent from the US, and the remaining percentage from the rest of the world.