Women’s Fitness closure confirmed by Bauer

Following news earlier this week that Bauer Media was in talks to close Women’s Fitness, the publisher has just confirmed it will close the magazine. The magazine’s November issue, on sale October 9, will be its last.

In a statement to staff, Bauer Media CEO Matt Stanton wrote: We have just held a meeting in the Sydney office to advise staff that Women’s Fitness will cease publication with the last issue being the November cover date.

The staff have done a great job on Women’s Fitness over the past three years and I commend their work and thank them for their dedication and effort. It is not an easy decision to close a magazine and we have certainly considered all the options before coming to this conclusion.

Health and fitness are important pillars across our Bauer Media magazine brands and we will continue to produce excellent content in this space for relevant titles, as well as our current digital assets and new multi-platform initiatives to be rolled out in the near future.

Staff were told that Bauer would look to reallocate staff and work to minimise the redundancies.

We understand this is a very unsettling time for our staff and are looking to do as much as we can to support them during this time. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the team for their dedication and effort on the magazine.”