bdTrial: Letting the pros take care of business

This week, the BD team amp up their beauty routines with some treatments from the pros.

In salon treatments...

Endota Spa
Suffering from dry skin at the best of times, my face has definitely not appreciated the cold, windy winter and the serious bout of flu that came with it. In recent weeks, I was looking like a grey, dull day. Needless to say, when I arrived at the endota clinic for my Hydro-microdermabrasion Facial, I was a feeling a little dismal and desperate.

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To be honest, I've always steered clear from microdermabrasion in the fear it would be too harsh for my skin, but I was pleasantly surprised. It’s not even a fraction as scary as I thought, and the result left me bidding a happy goodbye to winter skin!

The consultation started with facial analysis in a lightbox-type set-up. It determined the areas that needed to be targeted in the facial - hydration, hydration, hydration. After we knew what needed to be done, I was taken to the facial room - a dimly-lit, divinely scented space, aka heaven. A beautiful blend of potions, lotions and oils were then massaged into my face, decolletage, neck and shoulders, literally having me melting into the bed.

The microdermabrasion portion of the facial felt like small suction caps on my face, but was in no way painful or unnerving. This device works to remove all the dead skin cells, while also infusing skin with an ultra-hydrating serum at the same time, so it’s a magic wand of sorts for lacklustre skin.

The result was better than I expected - soft, clear and plumped skin that felt beyond amazing. One week later, I still haven't worn foundation as I'm so happy with the texture of my skin. I’ve never been a regular facial go-er, but I can honestly say I'm a true convert and I'll definitely be adding this one to my monthly regime. - Nat

HydroPeptide Anti-Wrinkle Facial & Omnilux Revive
Let’s not beat around the bush. As you can see from my ‘before’ photo, my skin has been looking like absolute cow dung. Sallow, dehydrated and boasting more spots than an unfortunate teenage boy. With my boyfriend coming back from the mines next week, I thought I’d try to salvage the situation, and jumped at the chance to trial a HydroPeptide® facial. I didn’t really expect that much from one facial, as usually the therapists recommend 6-12 treatments for this sort of thing - but who has the time for that?!

I was looked after by a very lovely, knowledgable lass named Judith, who had quite the heavenly touch (and yes, I’m aware that sounds creepy!). After analysing my (terrible) skin, Judith opted for the HydroPeptide® Anti-Wrinkle Facial (their signature), paired with Omnilux to ensure my skin absorbed the products and optimised their results.

The HydroPeptide®’s Anti-Wrinkle Facial was a relaxing ‘no downtime’ (so no red, peeling, Freddy Krueger-esque face) treatment which infused my skin with the rejuvenating and uplifting benefits of 17 peptides and proteins. Judith started with a pre-cleanse, cleanser and toner to clean my skin, and followed with a delicious-smelling peel that didn’t cause any tingling. A mask was slathered on my skin and I was placed under the Omnilux, which wasn’t uncomfortable at all, just very bright!

Omnilux is a light therapy treatment that works to reduce the signs of ageing and break ongoing acne cycles. It also maximises the benefits of skincare products as it clears and brightens skin. While I had my head under what felt like the sun at Rose Bay in January, Judith gently massaged my feet, which was a real treat. My treatment finished with a serum and moisturiser, before I was released back into a world that unfortunately doesn’t have someone patting lovely things into my face and rubbing away the pressures of the world.

A week later, and my skin is looking better than it has in months. It’s all glowy and my acne has quickly cleared up, which has increased my confidence (and babe factor) tenfold. Thank you Judith and HydroPeptide® for giving me lovely, smooth skin! - Kelly

I’m not sure whether I can blame it on hormones or an addiction to chocolate, but lately, I’ve had the same blemish-ridden skin I had at age 15. That was until I had the Thalgo Regenerative Facial, performed by the lovely Linda at Thalgo’s training centre in Artamon. French, indulgent, and experienced (having been around for 50 years), Thalgo is everything I love about French pharmacy as well as the leading expert in Professional Marine Cosmetics, utilising the best ingredients the sea has to give.

I experienced the M-Ceutic Renovation Radicale Beauty Treatment, which began with a skin assessment to determine what wasn’t working for my skin. The following personalised facial was a three-step treatment, with plenty of massages and warm scented towels in between that made the process a heavenly one. The range is based on the products of Thalgo’s new M-ceutic range, all based on the principle of Mesotherapy. Formulas for the treatments and accompany homecare range incorporate Mesolift Marin into formulas, which is an infusion ingredient that boosts cell metabolism, promotes a youthful appearance and combats imperfections.

The Renovating Peel was the first major step in the facial - a tingling peel that eliminates dead cells and works on skin irregularities. Next up was the Bio-Regenerative Infusion, which detoxifies and re-oxygenates tissue deep down, keeping it plump and hydrated. Finally, Linda applied the Corrective Intervention, a serum that resurfaces and exfoliates skin, leaving it youthful and glowing. The end result? My skin has cleared up dramatically in the time since the facial. Most blemishes are gone, my t-zone is free from noticeable pores and I have finally bid adieu to my dull-as-dishwater winter complexion. Thalgo is my skin saviour! - Sarah

I never really thought HYPOXI was suited to my body shape, until I did an interview with Zoe Foster-Blake where she talked about being a fan. Despite being quite small, eating well and exercising, she was a devotee to the machines that target those "final, seemingly impossible areas you want to tone". This is me to a tee. I exercise every day and am quite strict with what I eat, but despite this - I have a little pudgy lower belly and could do with a little trimming on the top of my thighs.

While I've written about the HYPOXI machines on various occasions, I had absolutely no idea what to expect on my first visit. I have to admit I was a little bit nervous, but I was reassured straight away that the machines didn't hurt in any way, were non-invasive, and would not be uncomfortable. After being measured and weighed, I was then prepared for treatment using the HYPOXI Vacunaut. Getting "prepared" involved putting on an outfit similar to a wetsuit. I then got up on a cross-trainer machine where my "wetsuit" was hooked up with tubes.

It was basically a gym session for the next 30 minutes, just at a lower impact. As I jogged along, the Vacunaut was hard at work. Using a complex network of 122 integrated pressure chambers, the Vacunaut attacked the stubborn areas of the midsection (i.e. the fat around my stomach and hip region) while I exercised.

On my next visit, I got to try out the Hypoxidermology machine. Now, this one is definitely the most relaxing to trial. It’s just like receiving a massage. I was put in a big suit with tent-like fabric. I then lied down, and the suit was fastened tighter and nozzles and tubes attached. The machine whirred into action, giving a sensation of vibrations and bubbles running down the length of your body for the duration of the 20-minute session.

The Hypoxidermology machine is designed for those wanting to reduce the appearance of severe cellulite or firm skin tone and texture. It also helps to accelerate results of the other HYPOXI machines. It uses a complex network of 400 integrated pressure chambers located around the stomach, hip, buttock and thigh region. It acts in a similar way to manual cupping.

The next HYPOXI treatment I tried was the L250. No suit is involved in this one, but you do have to put a wetsuit-like skirt on - which then attaches to the machine. The L250 is similar to a lying down bicycle. There are no tubes or nozzles, but instead, a big casing that closes around your body from the midsection down (similar to a solarium bed - with no tanning lights!). You are then required to cycle for the next 30 minutes. This one works by targeting fat and cellulite around the hips, buttocks and thighs through the application of advanced vacuum therapy.

The recommended amount of HYPOXI sessions to notice true results is 12 sessions. I have currently undertaken 8 sessions and have already lost 1.1 cms around my waist, 2.8 cms around my stomach, 1.3 cms around my hips, .7 cms around my bottom, and 1.4 cms around my legs. With a smaller frame to begin with, these results are truly impressive. No wonder people are raving about these machines. Well done HYPOXI, you’ve just scored yourself another fan… - Yelena

The countdown to spring is on, and in true clichéd fashion, I’m hitting the refresh button on everything. First up: my skincare routine. I booked in for the Pelactiv Rejuvenation Facial with a Lactic Acid Peel, a one-hour cosmeceutical treatment that brightens and tightens skin. To do that, it gets rid of those pesky dead skin cells sitting on the surface of skin (hello, dullness), and hydrates and nourishes the fresh skin underneath.

The facial began with my lovely therapist, Melanie, cleansing my skin (with the Gentle Foaming Cleanser) and asking about my major concerns. My answer? Dryness, and the odd hormonal breakout – it’s so great being a girl sometimes! She then applied the gentle Lactic Acid Peel, and as that was tingling away, chose products to suit my skin type.

After that, she gently exfoliated my skin to a smooth canvas with the Facial Refiner Deep Cleansing Scrub, before popping on the Cell Renewal Complex, a serum of sorts that’s packed with antioxidants to help skin get its glow on. She then applied Precious Oils – a blend of pure, natural oils – to my face, and spent the next 15 massaging them in. It was ah-mazing.  

Then came the creamy Vita Moist mask, and as the vitamins A, B, C and E did their thing, it was my scalp’s turn to get a (divine) massage. The treatment finished off with an Oil-Free Balancing Serum, which Melanie said would hydrate my skin while keeping breakouts at bay.

The verdict? Pelactiv promises ‘visibly healthy skin,’ and mine is definitely looking a whole lot better. It’s also really smooth and soft to the touch. Next on the to-do list: shedding that winter coat – and I don’t mean the one hanging in my wardrobe! #oops - Katia

At home treatments…
Mesoestetic Stem Cell Serum Restructuractive
At first glance, I was quite intrigued to find out more about this potent Stem Cell serum. Mesoestetic claims to be a revolutionary cosmetic treatment that helps to protect existing skin cells by stimulating skin’s natural self repair process.

Mesoestetic contains some of my favourite active ingredients, including vitamins A and E - antioxidants that promise to deliver both an active and rejuvenating treat for your skin. The programme consists of 5 x 3 mL vials which are to be used over a five-week period, one per week. I was instructed to use the total vial on my face at night time after cleansing.

The serum is quite runny in comparison to lighter serums that I have tried. After applying the total vial, it really did feel like my skin had received a great, big drink. It took a little while to absorb, being quite wet on application, but afterwards it felt nice - not sticky at all.

I’m currently halfway through my weekly applications, and I have already noticed my skin looks and feels brighter and more hydrated. I look forward to continued results and discovering other products from the Mesoestetic range. - Kym

Nak Aromas Hydra Therapy & Aroma Oil Spray
Thanks to a six-week stint in Europe, I have done very little recently to maintain my long, thick and unruly head of hair. The combination of the harsh European sun, days spent submerged in salt water and lazy hairstyles has certainly taken its toll. First world problems, right?

I’ve been feeling rather relaxed since my return, but my locks have not. My hair has been looking dull, feeling dry and sporting a lot of split ends. So, you can imagine my excitement when Nak Aromas End Therapy landed on my desk!

I’m a sucker for a thick, creamy mask and this one did not disappoint. While in the shower, I lathered it on my mid-lengths and ends and left it to work its magic for around five minutes. The mask has a thick texture that instantly melts into strands, and it features a very light fragrance that does not overpower the senses.

As soon as I washed the treatment out, I felt a significant difference in the texture of my hair. Even while wet, it felt a whole lot softer and smoother. I could easily run my fingers through my strands, which is rare when you have hair as thick (and damaged) as mine. The results were even better once my hair had dried. My locks felt super soft and I had far less flyaways than usual. It made my hair look as though I had roughly gone over it with a straightener, smoothing and loosening some of my usual kinks and waves.

The Aroma Oil Spray was also great. I applied three or four sprays to the lengths of my hair while it was still wet, and then combed it through. The oil has a delicious, fruity scent that made me want to spray it over and over again. My hair looks shinier, and far healthier. Combined, these products are a godsend for dry, damaged hair. I really can’t stop touching my locks! - Caitlin