bdTrial: Sensational skincare

The BD team tackle their skincare woes with an array of effective products.

Priori Advanced AHA Gentle Facial Cleanser
After never experiencing a single pimple in my teens, you can imagine my horror when, at 25, I looked in the mirror to discover a smattering of acne on my forehead. I have no idea what caused it, but I’m not happy about the situation! After finding out the hard way that a physical exfoliator will only do more harm than good when it comes to breakouts, a colleague suggested I try a cleanser with AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) as an alternative. The Priori Advanced AHA Gentle Facial Cleanser has definitely helped with my acne thanks to its ability to gently cleanse and exfoliate the dirt, make-up and bacteria from my skin without physically scrubbing it. I better get my colleague a present to thank her… and Priori! - Carly

Jasmin Organics Gentle Cleansing Lotion
Patriotic to the core, I always go Australian when I can (even when our kind are behaving like absolute brats - I'm looking at you, Bernard Tomic!). When I was sent the Jasmin Organics Gentle Cleansing Lotion to trial, I was first drawn to the fact that it was Australian-made. When I discovered it was also certified organic and contained 100 per cent natural ingredients, I knew it would be a stand-out. And I was right. Using rose, bergamot, lemon and lavender essential oils to lift impurities and make-up, this is a truly beautiful cleanser. Removing make-up has never felt so luxurious. - Yelena

Rosehip by essano Collagen Repair Serum
Rosehip may seem the ingredient du jour in the beauty world, but it has actually been on the beauty scene for ages. The ancient Persians were the first fans of the floral product and its antioxidant properties, and it has been used medicinally and to alleviate beauty woes over the centuries. Rosehip by essano Collagen Repair Serum is a fresh take on the the benefits of rosehip - incorporating the properties of the oil into a superfood smoothie of sorts that includes blackberry leaf extract, jojoba oil, sunflower oil and vitamins B3, B5, C & E. The serum is overflowing with nutrients and antioxidants to boost skin health and ward off the visible signs of ageing and pigmentation. - Sarah

Natural Pearl Ultimate White
I’ve always had an issue with spots on my face., but when I got pregnant, things went downhill. I got darker, redder and started to develop freckles when I’m not typically freckly (also, I’m Asian). That’s why the Natural Pearl Ultimate White couldn’t have come at a better time. With natural and marine ingredients, it improves skin tone and soothes and reduces inflammation and redness - which is exactly what this pregnant lady needs! My angry skin is less angry today than it was yesterday and in turn, Natural Pearl has given me one less thing to worry about during this incredible yet sometimes alarming experience. - Joc

Homedics Newa Wrinkle Reduction System
My Botox has worn off. I know, what a DISASTER. I tried it for the first time about five months ago and absolutely loved the way it melted the fine lines from my face. However, injections aren’t exactly a cost-effective or sensible option for a 26-year-old lass, so I’m always willing to try alternatives. I’ve been trialling the Homedics Newa Wrinkle Reduction System, which is an at-home device that takes a few minutes a day to work its magic. The device uses heat to reactivate the skin’s natural ability to produce collagen, and you use it with a cream that is specially formulated to optimise the delivery of heat energy to skin. For a needle-phobe, I can assure you that using this is much nicer than 12 jabs to the face. Straight away, the area looks plump, and the device is clinically proven to reduce wrinkles by 45 per cent and tighten skin in 12 weeks. I’ve only been using it for a few weeks, so I can’t wait to see the results! - Kel