This is the most surprising injectables trend yet

The power of the Kardashian family is unparalleled – especially when it comes to beauty. Kylie Jenner has prompted scores of women to plump their pouts, and now it seems that Kendall Jenner is inspiring people to get ‘nipple injections’. 

A recent New York Post interview revealed the surprising demand for customised, or what one surgeon has dubbed ‘designer’, nipples. Speaking anonymously on camera, one woman explained "I love Kendall Jenner, and I love that she just doesn't wear a bra. You can't see her nipples, but you can see the pointiness. I think there's something really sexy and feminine about it.

"I think it would be really cool to just have protruding nipples all the time,” she continues to tell New York plastic surgeon Norman Rowe, who told Allure the procedure isn’t all too uncommon. 

"I have been giving my female (and male) patients designer nipples for years. It recently became popular with patients desiring nipples like their favourite reality stars.

“[Patients also request] smaller areoles, smaller nipples, larger areoles, larger nipples, a change in colour and/or change in the shape of the areola, or any combination thereof.”

And if you’re worried about the risks, Rowe confirmed that "The risks are getting too many compliments."