It’s Gucci, daaahling.
It might hurt your pocket strings forking out the extra cashola for a luxury beauty product, but it seems we’re all up for it.
Regardless of their age or income, women across the board have spent money on luxury beauty products within the past 12 months, according to a new study by Total Beauty Media Group.
And it’s not just because the customer has been star struck by the pretty lights at the store counter begging them to come closer - 43 per cent of respondents are making their luxury beauty purchases through discount websites.
But while the thrifty did opt for a cheaper online option, the top two channels for purchasing luxury beauty products were still specialty stores. Good news for the retail industry that has been finding things a little tough lately with consumers closely watching their spending.
Not surprisingly, respondents cited quality rather than price as the number one factor when it came to selecting a luxury beauty product. If you’re paying the big bucks, you may as well go for the best in the business.
Would you prefer to buy one luxury beauty product or 10 more affordable options? What was the last luxury product you bought?