BD appoints new editor

BEAUTYDIRECTORY is thrilled to announce it has appointed Yelena Fairfax as editor of the site.

Fairfax has 13 years’ experience in the media and has been sharing her enthusiasm for and wealth of knowledge about the industry since arriving at BEAUTYDIRECTORY in 2011. She previously worked as fashion/lifestyle editor at OK! Magazine and web editor at Express Media Group.

In her new role, Fairfax will oversee all editorial content from news and features to social media, as well as ensure the product listings and media and PR directories are the most comprehensive, up-to-date resource available to members.

Directories Group online manager Michelle Blancato says: “Yelena has been an integral part of the BEAUTYDIRECTORY team since she joined us three years ago. Her passion for the beauty industry, wide network of contacts and absolute dedication to the site made her the obvious choice for the role.“

About her appointment, Fairfax adds: “I’m really excited to step into the new role at BEAUTYDIRECTORY. The site continues to deliver groundbreaking initiatives, and I am looking forward to leading the content team into BEAUTYDIRECTORY’s new era. With a brilliant product to work on and a fantastic team to work with, I’m thrilled to have been given the opportunity to take a leadership position at BEAUTYDIRECTORY.”